Contains 330 kcal p.p.
IngredientsFor 2 persons
Make sure that you have the following additional ingredients: cajunherbs, garlic powder, Italian herbs.
Cut the paprikas in two pieces and remove the seeds. Cook the paprikas half done. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius
and put the mini potato croquettes in the oven. Chop the onion and mix it with the minced beef, add quite some cajunherbs
and some garlic powder and Italian herbs. Stuff the cut paprikas with the minced beef and put the grated cheese on top.
Put the stuffed paprikas in the oven next to the potatoe croquettes. Bake them until the cheese has melted, serve the
stuffed paprikas on plates with the mini potato croquettes.
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