Family Medicine Clinic Dr. Samsom

Family physicians in Delft - doctor Samsom,
Herculesweg 13 Delft, telephone 015 261 1601

Dr Samsom

Our medical service for
international students in Delft

We are located near the TU Delft.
In addition to general family medicine we do medical examinations.

Welcome to Delft!
Coming to Delft to study at the University TU Delft will bring a fun and exciting new period in your life! Besides studying you will also have all kinds of new experiences in your life: living on your own, cooking your own meals, taking care of yourself for the first time in your life. Getting to know new friends, going out, meeting a nice girl or guy to fall in love with. With so many new experiences, choosing your own local family doctor (general practitioner) in Delft probably is one of the last things that you will think about. However, it is very important that you have a doctor here in Delft. There can always be something that will happen to you, even if it only is a small accident in sports.

TU Delft's official position is that every student, including students who stay in Delft on a short term basis, must arrange for his or her own required medical insurance coverage and to register with a local family doctor (general practitioner) here in Delft.

There are many general practitioners here in Delft, and all of us are qualified. It is important to register at a doctor with whom you feel comfortable. Therefore, on this page I shall tell you something more about myself in order to help you make your choice when comparing local doctors.

How it works at my practice
praktijkfoto I don't have open hours and I only work by appointment. This way I can always take the time for my patients and for you as a patient you won't have to wait when you consult me. To make an appointment it is best to call the practice assistant early in the morning at telephone number: 015 261 16 01 press 3. This way you can have an appointment the same day.

If you have an urgent medical problem during office hours, you can always consult me directly by choosing option 1 when calling our telephone number 015 261 16 01.

If you feel too ill to come to the practice, tell this the practice assistant: she then will arrange a house call for the same day. It means that I will visit you at your student room. Therefore you don't need to live in my postal code area. And, don't feel ashamed if it is a mess in your room, I have been a student myself!

What can my medical practice offer you?
In addition to the general family medicine practice we also carry out medical examinations and we offer you specializations such as a diabetes clinic, an obesity clinic and a COPD clinic. There also is a qualified psychologist working in my practice, who can help you if you experience social or psychological problems, or problems with your study.

Who is doctor Samsom?
I am an international orientated family physician, since 2004 running my own practice here in Delft. My nationality is Dutch, and I studied medicine at Leiden University (Netherlands). After graduating from medical school as a general practitioner, I went to the United Kingdom where I completed my additional years of residency in family medicine. I practiced family medicine in the United Kingdom for several years before returning to The Netherlands, and in 2004 taking over the family medicine clinic at Herculesweg 13 in Delft. I have an additional qualification (MSc) in epidemiology.

More about the person behind the doctor
foto2 What kind of person is doctor Samsom? What kind of hobbies does he have? How does he spend his spare time? Those are questions that you probably ask yourself when comparing doctors. You will like to choose a doctor who will understand you and with whom you feel comfortable. Not all doctors are the same and not all patients are the same, so not all patients prefer the same doctor. I will try to give you some more background information about myself as a person.

How do I spend my spare time? During the summer months you can frequently find me on the golf course. I started playing golf a long time ago, when I worked and lived in England.

foto3 foto4 Playing music always has been an important hobby. For years, while at medical school, I played the piano in a students jazz band. Nowadays I mostly play the bass(guitar), as I play in the Jazz Combo of my wife, who plays the piano herself, accompanying her singing.

foto5 I enjoy the good things of life, and I wish you a wonderful and succesful time here in Delft! It can always happen that for some reason you need a local doctor. That is why it is so important to be registered at a local doctor's practice here in Delft. My practice has an informal atmosphere (as far as possible in a medical practice). I think it very important to take the time for my patients. You can consult me not only with your physical medical problems but also if you experience difficulties with your study or socially.

Registration new patients
Online registration as a patient in our practice is easy and fast. Click Registration Form to register yourself online.

Ofcourse you can also register yourself by visiting our practice. New patients can be registered on working days between 8.00 - 12.00 hrs and between 14.00 - 16.00 hrs. If you prefer to come to our practice, click here to print out a registration form. You must bring the completed form with you when you visit our practice for registration, together with a valid identification and your health insurance pass. If you wish you can send the registration form to us by mail.

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