Make an appointment
Our availability by phone
To make an appointment or ask for a house call you can contact our practice assistant from Monday - Friday by telephone
at: 015 261 1601 press 3. You can call us between 8.00 and 12.00 AM and between 2.00 and 4.00 PM.
Between 12.00 AM and 2.00 PM you will hear an automatic answering telephone, because the doctor is making house calls and
the practice assistant is having her own consultations (e.g. ear syringing or making a cervix smear), as well as after 4.00 PM.
In case of an emergency during these hours, the automatic answering telephone gives you the possibility to directly get the
doctor at the telephone, by pressing option 1, also if he is doing house calls.
Times for consultations and house calls:
We don't have open hours, but we only work by appointment. Before 8.30 AM we do not make any appointments, because our doctor,
practice assistant, practice nurse and mental health caretaker are having their daily meeting to discuss the patients.
Consultations at the doctor are planned between 8.30 and 11.00 AM and between 2.00 and 4.00 PM. House calls to make by the
doctor are planned between 11.00 AM and 2.00 PM and between 4.00 and 5.00 PM. Consultations at our Practice Assistant
are planned between 11.00 AM and 2.00 PM and between 4.00 and 5.00 PM. Consultations at our Physician Assistant/Practice Nurse and at our
Practitioner Mental Health Care are planned in their individual schemes.
In case of an emergency you can reach the doctor directly on Monday - Friday from 8.00 AM until 5.00 PM at telephone number
015 261 1601 press 1. Outside office hours, in the weekends and on national holidays you can contact the Huisartsenpost Delft, telephone: 015 251 19 30.
In case of a life threatening situation you can call 112, they are available 24 hrs/day 7 days/week.